Friday, December 2, 2011

Crime Scene

The Scene: A body was found in a semi wooded area with one footprint on the victim's shoe and another found leaving the scene. All exhibits were outside and relatively close to the body.


Exhibit 1: Was a torn up note that read, "Please forgive me! I love you all!". The writing style of Exhibit 1 matched with Lucas Moore's handwriting characteristics: the loops of his L's and D's were tall and thin. The amount of pressure applied to the note is in similarity of his regular handwriting.

Exhibit 2: A possible hair sample from Lucas Moore, Sandra O' Conner has similar hair color, but the hair sample is short without a curve to indicate that the sample had at one point been long.

Exhibit 3: A fingerprint- Plain arch. According to all of the possible suspects Lucas is the only person to have a plain arch.

Exhibit 4: A substance that might be a possible poison. When tested as a poison all tests came back negative, but when a cocaine reagent was added to the substance the test came back positive. Indicating that suspects caught with drug possession should be questioned.

Exhibit 5 / 6: The body was in a state of active decay because maggots were visible

Exhibit 7: Footprint- The size of the print indicates that it was from a male which leads me to believe that Jet Trong might have been at the scene at the time of death because Jet was convicted of drug possession.

Exhibit 7a: Footprint- This print was a scanned image so the overall size of the print is thrown off so the victim still cannot be classified as a male or female with this evidence.

Exhibit 8: Fingerprint- Ulnar Loop which matches with Sandra O' Conner's print and it makes sense because she is a drug addict, and convicted of multiple drug possessions.

Exhibit 9: Fingerprint- Double Loop- 2 suspects both have a double loop, since Jet is the only person with the print to be convicted of drug possession he is the likely person.

 Exhibit 10: Possible Fiber- A black ,synthetic fiber woven like a rope, transparent on the edges. A possible color treated fiber with frayed ends. This fiber could be either nylon or color treated wool: probably came from Jet's hoodie.

Exhibit 11: Syringe- could've been used to inject the cocaine into the victim's body. Fingerprints were not evident on this evidence.

 P.O.I (Persons of Interest):

The Story: Suffering from depression late one night, Lucas was considering suicide. As a final farewell Lucas decided to write a note, Exhibit 1, but decided against suicide so he tore up the note and stashed it in his pocket. While walking off his thoughts Lucas came across Jet Trong who openly offered Lucas some cocaine. To reduce the likelihood of being caught Jet brought Lucas to the soon to be crime scene. Still overwhelmed with emotion Lucas takes some of the cocaine from a contaminated syringe that was previously used by Sandra O' Conner. Lucas' reaction to the cocaine was presumably to his first encounter with drugs. In addition to Lucas presumably having a reaction to the cocaine, the contaminated syringe could've also been a factor in his death. Startled from Lucas' sudden death, Jet abruptly leaves the scene leaving a footprint as he exits the area. A fiber from Jet's hoodie was found near Lucas' body confirming that Jet had made contact with Lucas. The following morning forensic scientists arrived at the scene to see the body in active decay.


  1. I really like the pictures taken and your descriptions on them were onspot. You were very descriptive on the scenerio. There isnt much you could change, pretty good looking blog.

  2. The pictures are very helpful when reading your analysis of the clues and it is good that you put the pictures of the P.O.I's. I like the story except for one part, if the body was in active decay how did forensics arrive the next day. Also I like the background.

  3. Wow, nice story. I like how you set everything up. Plus nice pictures and very clear information:)
